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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions - General

  • Who can I call if I encounter difficulty while surfing the site or while placing an order? Contact us at 908-806-2900 extension 204. We can assist you or enter the order for you over the phone.

  • Can I return items? Yes, but they must be unused, undamaged and in the original packaging. Electronic parts must also be unopened. All items must be inspected upon their return before any credit is issued. Some items require a restocking fee depending on the manufacturer's requirements. Outgoing freight is never reimbursed. You are responsible for the freight cost to return any items. 
  • What is the wildcard character for the site-wide Search function? The wildcard character is the underscore character (_).
  • Where is a complete alphabetic list of a manufacturer's product/part numbers so I can determine whether my number is valid or nearly valid? In the left-hand column of the Home page, scroll down to the "MODEL/PART LOCATOR" and click on the link to the manufacturer you are interested in. Once inside the Index, scroll down or use Ctrl+F to find the items you seek.

  • What is the maximum suction lift of an LMI pump? In most cases, 5 feet. High viscosity liquid ends have a maximum lift of 3.5 feet, however, flooded suction is recommended for viscous chemicals or chemicals that off-gas readily. Click here for typical installation diagrams.
  • Can an LMI type "7" drive pump accept a 4-20 mA signal? Yes, but not directly. They need a Micropace MP-100 Analog to Digital Converter. This converts a milliAmp signal to a series of dry contact switch closures that the pump will accept. The response is direct and fixed (4 mA = 0 strokes/minute, 20 mA = 100 strokes/minute). For more flexibility, upgrade to the type "9" drive pumps which accept a 4-20mA directly and allow you to program any direct or inverse response to the mA signal.
  • Can I program a back-up pump to come on automatically in the event the first pump loses prime? Yes! Use two type "9" pumps equipped with Digi-Pulse Flow Monitors. If the first pump loses prime, it will stop pumping and activate a switch to start a second pump. Click here for more information
  • What is the maximum viscosity my LMI metering pump will handle? LMI electronic metering pumps with standard liquid ends will handle most chemicals up to 400 centipoise. High viscosity liquid ends ("HV" and "V") will handle thixotropic chemicals with apparent viscosities up to 40,000 centipoise.
  • Is my LMI pump intrinsically safe? Can it be used in a hazardous location? Most electronic pumps are not intrinsically safe but the LMI "E" Series pumps are explosion-proof and meet or exceed all standards for Class I, Division 1, Groups C and D; Class II, Division 1, Groups E, F and G.
  • How often do I need to perform maintenance on my LMI pump? It depends on the application. We recommend performing maintenance every six to twelve months. This includes changing the LiquiframTM, balls and seal rings (cartridges for LiquiProTM liquid ends). All of these parts are included in LMI's Spare Parts Kits.
  • Do I need a pressure relief valve for my pump? Motor-driven pumps must be installed with a pressure relief valve. Electronic pumps have inherent pressure relief. If the pressure exceeds the pump's capacity, it will stall without damage to the pump.
  • How can I feed chemical in proportion to flow? LMI electronic metering pumps are simple to control from an external signal. By using an LMI pump with an RFP Remote Flowmeter Pulser, the speed of the pump will be controlled by the flow rate of the system.
  • Who makes the POLYBLEND polymer feed systems? Polyblends were originally introduced and manufactured by Stranco in 1982 as the Stranco Polyblend. US Filter bought Stranco around 1996 and sold the units as US Filter Polyblends. Around 2004, Siemens bought US Filter and sold the system as Siemens Polyblends. Finally, in 2012 Siemens sold the division to UGSI. UGSI currently manufactures the poymer system in Vineland, NJ and markets the units as UGSI WT Chemicalfeed Polyblends.

Griffco back pressure valves, pressure relief valves, injection quills and check valves
Flux drum and container pumps
Neptune diaphragm metering pumps
LMI Conductivity, pH and ORP controllers

Actual item may vary slightly from picture. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Returns subject to inspection and restock fees.  Freight charges are not refundable.


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